Hey Guys so first of all, just wanted to say that 2 weeks left! Yes really! So have you heard about the anime news? Well, in the new "Kalos" region Ash will meet up with another new girl, who this time actually has known him from the past (not on screen). This season also includes a new designed Officer Jenny, and a new Nurse Joy(but it'll have the same original team Rocket... -_- what did you expect?). Probably the best scene of the new series will be Ash on top of a roof having a Pokémon battle. Anyways, other than that the new Pokémon TCG series, will come out near the end of the year. It will be based on the Kalos starters, and have Kalos Pokémon. From Pokémon to Mega-Pokémon, the Pokémon team announced, that the Kalos region (Generation 6) will not have any Mega evolution, I think that doesn't really make much difference. And now back to TCGs, the new TCG expansions will have fairy type cards as well as Fairy Energies! Let's hope it has Fairy AND Dragon energies?! Any ways that's what I've got this time so...
Thanks for watching...reading, and this was Peacemaker with the latest on your favorites!
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