
Friday 6 February 2015

VGC is coming so here is some useful links for training.

VGC is coming soon and it seems people, similar to yours truly, is wondering what to do next and how to develop your teams for them for them to even be worthy for this event. So I am going to give you some useful links and information about how to make an awesome team in Pokemon.

1. Make the team balanced. 

You need to keep your team balanced and give it the right amount of offences and defenses because if you have a ultra offense team, you will get destroyed because you will have to depend on OHKO's because your Pokemon cannot take hits as well. A defensive team is lackluster and Critical hits will make your defenses useless and they could be too slow to even give out hits and that is if they are even powerful. So if you balance the teams and give them match-ups that can assist them both, you can give them a advantage against the competition. 

2. Be smart with your choices of moves and be unpredictable. 
Like this dude

Weaknesses in most battles is that your team can be too predictable and can be easy to counter, People usually use teams in the OU and what is allowed in Uber Tier (if you don't know what I am talking about visit Smogon). You will have to think outside the box and make new strategies as well. Also do some research by looking at certain YouTubers as well some I advise on are.

These are people that advertise teams and also advertise Pokemon that are fairly common so you can find out of ways you can counter them and then you can help your team to be on top of the competitors and win the competition and you can be the champion. If you think this doesn't work last year's winner Se Jun Park used Pachirisu and won the game so using the unexpected is good. 

3. Check your teams will work in VGC

Use programs like PokemonShowdown if you cannot use the internet on your 3DS or if you just need to practice for the new VGC rules and you need it to see new teams and find out what pokémon are popular and how to counter them as well. P.S there is no perfect team so if I was you make sure that your team can take down many teams and you know that it is good.

The Point is never give up, and if you don't you could be the next Pokemon champion.

But for now this is SoopahGamer signing off .
Till next time!!!

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