
Tuesday 24 December 2013

No. 5: The "Far Cry" series

So, here you guys are, sorry I had to make you wait. 
I've been busy with all the Christmas work, but here you are. 
Number 5 on the "Top Ten most Graphically-Developed game of all times" is "Far Cry".
This is an amazing game, although it has not one single motive throughout the series. But what I love about these games are the multiple choice endings. This feature isn't in many game, but the way it has been enabled for this game just makes it seem like a real-life situation. Not only because the character are really realistic but because of the things they make you go through from the start of the game and then in the end, you realize that Jackal is actually a good guy!(That's a joke for those who have played "Far Cry" 2)
So any ways there are 3 main "Far Cry" serial games, developed by "Crytek" and published by "Ubisoft".
They've had many great games throughout the past 10 years. Their best game however is "Far Cry" 3, and that's also the reason that this game is number 5!
Let's check out the graphics evolution!
Well, here you guys are, this picture should be enough to show you guys how greatly the graphics have changed through this trilogy!
And that' all from me today guys, I really hope to post as soon as possible but this time I'm making no promises! 
Anyways, thanks for reading guys, this has been Peacemaker with the latest on your Christmas Eve posts!

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