
Thursday 3 July 2014

Bravery Default (The Good, The Bad and the Grinding)

Hi it's SoopahGamer and this time we are talking about one of the most questionable, most annoying and most awesome games that I have ever played in my life. Bravery Default.
The Main Characters.
This game is great with a storyline to match and has a lot of side quests that you can do which can help to affect the story. Because I don't want to spoil the story too much I won't go into too much detail. Anyway you follow 5 main characters Agnés ( A wind vestal that is a poor navigator.), Tiz ( a farmer who is the only survivor of his town as it was swallowed into a giant chasm.), Edea ( The Grand Marshal daughter who switches sides so she can assist on waking up the crystals.), Ringabel (a ladies man with memory loss) and Airy (A Cryst Fairy) together they awaken the four crystals and find out other important things about what happened in the story.

There are a lot of classes but they have to be unlocked by doing most of the side quests as well. But you only get about 5 when you follow the story for new classes. All of the classes have their own strengths and weaknesses. e.g Time mage has a ability that makes you restart the battle once when you're team dies.

Also there's Bravery Second, which gives you a extra turn to help a member of your team or to put and extra attack on the enemy for the cost of a time point and you can regain them by letting your ds go on stand-by for 8 hours or by paying for them (with real money).

And now for the Pros and Cons.

P- Fun if you like RPG's
P- Ringabel personality will make you laugh so much
P- The story actually makes sense to a point
P- Bravery second has saved my life so many times
P.With the Auto function and a ability that you can unlock it can mean easy grinding and job developing. 
C- you will need to do side quests for most of the good classes which is annoying as it takes you off the story.
C- Don't play it in hard more as there will be a lot of grinding just to stand a chance against the boss.
C- When you die you have to start again from the last save point (ok if you have auto save)

So Overall this game get's an 9200 

In essence the game is awesome but it's not fun grinding all of the time but you can make it easier to do and there is a twist in the story that on one was expecting.

Bravely Default: Where the Fairy Flies - 3DS/2DS Artwork
Look closely at the title and the second part of the story will be revealed.

Till next time, this is SoopahGamer Signing off.

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