
Sunday 14 September 2014


So, finally the time has come for Peacemaker to reveal the NUMBER ONE, in his TOP TEN ANIME THEMES YOU SHOULD DOWNLOAD.
Well actually the time came last week, but I've just been busy, and I'm sure you guys must've been too.
It's September, we're all reluctant to wake up at 7 AM to go to the hell hole known as
But, guess what?? The half month wait was worth it!! Because, the number one Anime Theme will be told....

This is where you guys clap for me....
Now let's get straight to it..
Unlike my previous blogs, instead of showing you a picture of it, then the themes and then a description.
I'll do the opposite.
This anime, and its themes, will get you hooked to it from the get-go.
The slow and emotional ending and the catchy opening but contrast together to bring out a tsunami of emotions.
(I'm listening to the themes as I type)
Though the anime is short and hard to keep up with, I highly recommend all my readers to watch this anime.
For those "theme skippers" I advice you to not skip a single second of these themes. Because you'll regret it, you'd re-watch the anime with all the themes!! This is how addictive the anime and its themes are.
Opening: My Soul, Your Beats!
Ending: Brave Song
Song from OST I recommend: Ichiban no Takaramono
All aboard the never ending train of feels. 
No anime has damaged me emotionally as much as this...
(In a good way!)
Every time I hear these three songs, every part of me forgets all my  worries and experiences this song. 
 Well, I'm gonna go and cry blood now, I hope you guys enjoyed this top ten. 
If you'd like more anime top tens, comment below, and tell me  what you'd like to see
Thank you guys for reading this blog and bearing with me and my bad timing.
I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed  typing them up, feel free to comment  what your list is below,
until then, this has been Peacemaker, picking you up on the feel train. 

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