
Monday 15 September 2014

Super Smash Bros Demo (The Good , The Bad and the completely awesome!)

Hi SoopahGamer here, and as Super Smash Bros for 3DS is around the corner, I got the super smash bros demo code and it is all kinds of awesome. 

(After the extra long download.) I got stuck in with one of the new characters Mega-Man and even though his move-set is a bit weird compared to other characters, and he can hit hard with a load of different attacks and a variety of how to kill your opponents from shocking them to just burning them. He is now my favourite character in the game so far and I cannot wait to see what he can do against some of the other characters. 
An awesome new Character
That's it so let's go to the pros and cons. 

P. Keeps you busy for days
P. 5 Characters including 2 new ones 
P. Music is awesome
P. You can change the map to a Final Destination stage.

C. You  change from the timer (2:00 that it.)

Now the score for this is 8900 

The only reason it can't get a full 9000 is because it's a demo and all the full marks is going to come when the game comes out in the 3rd October or when I get it and test it out.

Till next time this is SoopahGamer signing off. 

Till next time C ya

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