
Tuesday 30 December 2014

SSB4 Character Analysis (Ganondorf)

Hey Soopahgamer here and from everybody at the team at Manga4Geeks we hope that you had a happy new year cause a lot of stuff is coming and we cannot wait to share with you some of the post that we are going to have. 

Anyway this is a character which has been a main antagonist in a few legend of Zelda games including one of my favorites ocarina of time. He was first introduced in melee as a copy of captain falcon and now he has some kind of diversity in his character earning the status of semi-clone. He is the King of darkness, it's Ganondorf
He is heavier, slower and his moves pack more of a destructive punch than his light footed counterpart. He is also a master of making sure that your opponent keeps their distance away from him as well because he can comeback quickly if he touches you. His recovery is at best decent and his side special not only can go though shields, he can also take your opponent to it's doom if he touches while there is no platforms. But slow and there are many characters that can do the job better than him so that's why he is not used much in competitive.

Anyway straight to  Pro's and Con's 

P. A POWERHOUSE (think about early kills with this dude and his moves can easily cause over 25%)
P. He has a move that can go though shields and another move for rollers (Wizard's foot) and if you mix them up and be unpredictable you could deal some serious damage. 
P.His Up grab has a damaging factor that deals a bit of damage (better than falcons) and you can follow up so you can do a footstool move if a character tries to meteor smash you.

C. SLOW (one of the slowest in the game) 
C. He has a sword why can't he use it then he will not just be a semi clone of falcon
C. Moves take either too long to charge (warlock punch) giving your opponent a while to follow up. 
C. Move may too short a distance which could leave you open for a attack. (Wizard's foot)
C. Almost impossible to pull out combos (even his standard is just one punch)
C. So many characters can do the job better than him. (Bowser, King Dedede and Capt. Falcon)

Ganadorf, fun character if you want to mess around against your friend that's Capt. Falcon but he is rare in championships and online because he is one of the lowest ranked characters for tiers and in our hearts..

This is a Video of someone playing Ganondorf competitively on the Wii U version by competitive player Smash G0D using Ganondorf check it

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But for now this is SoopahGamer signing off
Till next time C ya :)

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