
Sunday, 26 April 2015

Avengers: Age of Ultron [REVIEW]

Let me just start this post by saying
With that aside..
For the American readers who haven't seen the film, this is painful, but bear... Only a few more days before you get the film.
Back to the review. This film is.. 8.8/8...
Yeah... That good! You see the 2 new characters at the start, and they're literally just toying with the Avengers, then BOOM! Hulk smashes everything! Iron-Man gets mind-f***ed by Scarlet Witch, who is a brunette for some apparent reason. And the scene from  the trailer with the broken shield...
ALL BULLPOOP!! That's just a vision of Tony's worst fear.
Then we see Black Widow being useful! Yes that's right!! Start the party! Black Widow done something! Wanna know what she does??
She calms down the Hulk....... Literally, that the biggest part she's played so far.
 You realize soon enough that they're doing a love thing between Bruce Banner and Nat.
Speaking of being useful, Hawkeye is a badass in this film.
The fans finally get to see the Hawkeye can actually be of help, in fact, he plays a huge role in the film.
I'm not gonna talk about Ultron's debut scene, because it's the exact same thing as we see in the trailer.. So moving on.
[SPOILER] Hawkeye has a family! He has 2 kids and a pregnant wife!!
To hide from Ultron and the "enhanced ones" (that's what Silver and Scarlet are known as.. not ducking mutants) The Avengers hide at their house, which is somewhere isolated from the world.
Thor goes to "find answers", Fury gives Tony a lecture, Bruce uses all the hot water, Cap rips wood.
Then Ultron goes to this Korean lab to make himself a body, using the infinity stone in Loki's sceptre.
Scarlet witch finds out Ultron's real plans, Silver picks her up, runs out of there.
The body production gets interrupted, Tony gets Hawkeye to steal the body, reprograms Ultron out of the body and puts JARVIS into it. BOOM! Vision is born.
After that, you see fight scene WHICH I WON'T SPOIL BECAUSE THEY'RE SO EPIC!
Ultron gets defeated..... Big explosion, somehow everyone survives... Seriously a blast that destroyed the city, how can they still survive?? Hawkeye was injured on the ship, Cap chickened out and jumped on board too. Iron-Man was under the city, Hulk and Black Widow were there, Thor was there and Scarlet Witch was also on the floating city. Yet they all still survived?!
Aside from the unrealistic parts, the film was great. They made a great adaptation, despite Ant-Man's absence. I'd definitely watch the film again, but I'm poor so never mind.
I'm not gonna actually talk about the fight scenes, like Hulk Vs HulkBuster or Ultron Vs Avengers,
because they're too good to be talked about. However I will spoil this:
"What, you didn't see that coming?!" This joke will be understood once you watch the film.
 The end credits scene is the biggest hype. Because guess what you see?!
Thanos opens this vault thing and places the gauntlet in his hand and says "Fine... I'll do it myself"
So, Age of Ultron! Comment you thoughts below, until then
This has been Peacemaker, with the latest on your favourites.

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