
Tuesday 19 August 2014

Time To Cry ** SPOILER ALERT **

Hello everyone! Darioku here! Today I'll be talking about anime scenes that I've found pretty upsetting. There are A LOT of sad moments in so many different animes, but if I talked about them all we'd be here forever. So here are just some of them, and they are not in a particular order!
Also just to let you know... THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!!

So lets start!

Pokemon The First Movie - Ash gets turned to stone!

In this scene Mew and Mewtwo were battling. Just as they were about to attack again, Ash steps into the middle getting hit by both of there attacks. He somehow gets turned into stone and Pikachu tries to shock him to wake him up like usual. Pikachu started to realise it was not working and then started to cry. Who would think that Pokémon could have an emotional scene like this! As if Ash almost dying wasn't enough, they had to show poor little Pikachu crying.

Attack on Titan - Eren's Mothers death!

This scene occurred in the first episode when the first wall got invaded by Titans. Eren's house collapsed and his Mother got stuck under it. As a Titan began to walk closer to them she told them to go off without her as it would be to late to save her. Eren refused but then got dragged away with Mikasa as they watched their Mother get eaten by a Titan. It was the first episode and they already decided to make us viewers feel sad for these characters. But I guess that's what makes us begin to get attached to them. The intense music and emotion in Eren's voice made this scene a lot more emotional then it already was.

Naruto Shippuden - Minato and Kushina's death!

In this episode it shows the past of Naruto's parents, and how they died. Naruto was just a new born baby at the time. Minato suggested using the Dead Demon Consuming Seal on the Nine-Tails and sealing it into Naruto instead. However doing that would also mean that Minato would die. Nine-Tails tried to hurt Naruto, but both Minato and Kushina used their bodies to shield him. Minato continues to perform the sealing. Kushina told Naruto how much she loved him and gave him her best advice for the future. She wanted her final act in this world to be filling her son with as much of her love as possible. Minato then sealed the rest of their remaining chakra into Naruto. This whole episode got me pretty emotional. We've gone through a whole series not really knowing what actually happened to Naruto's parents. After a long time we finally find out. The saddest part for me was when Minato and Kushina were saying their final words to Naruto.

Fruits Basket - Hatori's tragic love story!

Hatori had an assistant named Kana. The two of them spent a lot of time together, and eventually began dating. Hatori felt that Kana was the "Spring" that melted the "Snow" of his heart and believed that he had found true happiness with her. He decided to ask for permission to marry her, Akito refused and smashed a vase in his eye. This caused Hatori to become almost completely blind in his left eye. Kana blamed herself for his injury, and eventually became sick from the traumatic incident. She would break down into tears every now and then because of what happened. Hatori could not bear to see Kana in pain so he erased her memory and wished for her to find someone who would make her happy again. Fruits Basket has a lot of sad scenes and stories from the Sohma Family past, but this is the one that actually got my eyes watery. Being forced to not love someone, and then having to erase all every memory that the person has of you to stop them from hurting. It may seem cool to have an ability to erase someone's memory, but in Hatori's case it is the exact opposite.

Fairy Tail - Fantasia!

So how about we end off with a happy-sad scene! And the perfect anime for that is none other then Fairy Tail! This scene is when it was the Fantasia Parade. Laxus was about to leave until he noticed all of the Fairy Tail members doing the sign that he made. That sign meaning wherever you are, even if I can't see you, even if we are miles apart, I'm always watching over you. Seeing all the members making this sign made a few tears fall out from his eyes. It was a cute scene, and one of my favourites from Fairy Tail.

That's all there is for today!
Also comment some sad anime scenes that I haven't mentioned here that you may like, and we can all cry together! 

Until next time! This has been Darioku. Have a nice day!

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