
Thursday 21 August 2014

Top Ten Anime: Opening & Ending Themes (That you should Download)!!

Peackemaker's back!!
This time with another 2 anime series that contain some of the best theme songs, both opening and endings.
My last post included numbers 8 and 7.
Now you'll see number 6 and 5!
To start it off, we have...
Opening: Raison d'ĂȘtre
Ending: Danzai No Hana
These are the opening and ending themes for the anime of Claymore.
Give one of these a try you'd love it!! The opening is a fast paced, loud Rock song.
While the ending is a bit slower with quite a mix of genres.
There's not a lot I can say about these songs.... 
So I'll jut say that you'd love them!!

(Also read the manga!!)

Next up on our list at number 5 I give you......

[This includes Shippuden]
There are way too many theme songs for me to list from this series, and although I don't watch the anime or even read the manga (yet), I have heard the theme songs, as suggested by Darioku.
I enjoyed them most of them and you probably would too!
So go now and download all these themes, because they're all worth the time!
I'll be posting again next week so keep on checking in for new posts by not just me but also my subordinates!! >v<
Thanks for reading guys and girls, this has been Peacemaker like always, until next time... 

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