
Thursday 30 October 2014

What we did @ Comic-Con some download codes and some news.

Yo SpookarGamer here and last week, Peacemaker and I went to Comic-Con at the London ExCeL in the UK and my goodness it was exciting. 
We tried out so much things.
1st- We went to Bandai Namco and I tried the new Dragon Ball Z game and even though the controls were confusing at first it has awesome!!!

2nd- We saw some artists that we have met before. Ricky K Chandler (check out his web-comic of Lucy the octopus ( and Chie Kutsuwada (follow her on twitter @chitanchitan)
3rd- Also we went to the Pokèmon stand. Peacemaker and I had an little Pokèmon battle and even though Peacemaker came close I still won!!!!
We went to other but these are the main ones that we went to!!!

And I have 3 codes for the Pokèmon demo and only one for the Shiny Gengar (most likely to work for UK and Europe)
This will come on a first come first serve basis.

Anyway on other news we are coming to Tumblr as well.
Also Mewtwo is coming as DLC in Smash Bros (Spring 2015)
And I have Super Smash Bros for 3DS (post coming soon)

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But for now this is SpookarGamer signing off
Till next time C ya

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