
Wednesday 10 December 2014

SSB4 Character Analysis (Shulk)

Yo SoopahGamer here and it's another character analysis and as I am loving and really feeling this character I think it should be Shulk time so it's SHULK!
OK he's not bad, he is excellent, he is very adaptable as well with those Monado powers but I think I should start with him just on his own. The Monado has some range, and can get kills easily as well because of that added plasma blade on the end (or whatever it's called) and his down smash has you covered because of that spin and he has a OK recovery as well and his defence is average as well so it will be over 100% until that happens

OK on to his Monado powers

Speed- Ups Speed but deals less damage.
Jump- Jumps higher but easily smashed out.
Defence- Ups Defense but lowers everything else.
Buster- Up damage input however he get damaged more easily and lowers smashing power.
Smash- Ups smash power but makes him easier to smash out and lowers damage output. 

Monados are more risk and reward than an anything else don't use them unless you know what you're doing. 

Anyway straight to pros and cons. 

P. Cool Character 
P. Monado sword is awesome 
P. The Monado has colossal rage for someone with no range attacks.
P. He is funny
P. He has a damaging up special which works. 
P VISION (yeah I know it's counter but it is a lot better cause it's a lot longer)  
P. That plasma extension tho.

C. Monado powers are too risky and could ruin the chances of you winning
C. Um his underwear costume
A bit unnerving and how that blade can still be on his back is wired
C. People playing online that spam Monado powers will get killed. 
Use him wisely then it will be shulk time

Overall I think he is excellent just don't depend on his Monado too much, It will be his downfall. 
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But for now this is SoopahGamer signing off
Till next time C ya

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